
Aimée Cartier

Aimée Cartier is a psychic guide known for her clear, accurate insight, her attention to practical details, and her compassionate guidance.  She is also passionate about turning others on to their own innate intuitive knowing.  She wrote her book, Getting Answers: Using Your Intuition to Discover Your Best Life, with the goal of showing others just how easy it is to get their own life’s questions answered.  She is the founder of the Own Your Intuition and  Claim Your Empathic Superpower programs.  In either private or group programs, she teaches women who have a hard time trusting their own intuition, don’t know how to use it to get results, or who are ready to harness their own inner knowing as a prominent and reliable source of goodness and satisfaction to their lives.   

More about her and  her work, including her blog, can be found at www.AimeeCartier.com.
